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LRG’s research, taxes, bookkeeping, and business consultants is an accomplished and dynamic auditor with a proven history of analyzing comprehensive statements, financial research, compliance, and governance. As well, collaboration with external auditors to meet business objectives and in-depth data analysis for purpose of management decision making. This in-depth analysis includes, but are not limited to quarterly investment certification, SOX analysis, financial presentation, preparation of dashboards, comprehensive recommendation reports and financial modeling.
Quotes for the Soul
“The good practitioner will constantly be aware of the fact that effective tax planning is merely a means to an end.”
“The links between capitalism and accounting are thus perhaps more conceptual (since the first could only be born conceptually thanks to the second) than historical (in the sense that the first capitalists would have taken advantage of all the opportunities offered by DEB). This
would make sense of the fact that in the historian’s debate discussed in the first part of this article, the only period in which all the practical links between accounting and capitalism mentioned by Sombart are actually in existence is the Hochkapitalismus period, which
begins in the second half of the 18th century and covers the whole of the 19th century. This period also saw the birth of the political economy that was to influence Marx and the birth of Marx’s thinking itself. At the time, accounting was one of the foundations for the emerging social sciences, helped economists to construct their analyses of the economy, and lit Marx’s
way in understanding the capitalist system; his analysis, reworked by Sombart, would later lead to the concept of capitalism.”
“For a research worker the unforgotten moments of his life are those rare ones which come after years of plodding work, when the veil over natures secret seems suddenly to lift & when what was dark & chaotic appears in a clear & beautiful light & pattern.”