Dr. S. Greener, noted in is his book “Business Research Methods” the following:
“…in business the issue are not so narrowly focused. We will need to understand things about people as managers, staff, customers and owners, about business entities such as companies and partnerships and co-operatives, about economies and how they affect business operations, about products and services and how they vary over time, how they can produced efficiently, about money and what regulates its availability, how it produces profit, and Governments and how their policy affects business operations, customers’ income and needs etc etc.
We can see that business is an umbrella term for many different things, and involves a number of different academic disciplines, such as mathematics, sociology, physics, economics, politics, history and language. So when we research into business or management, we will be drawing on a number of different disciplines and domains. Business research is multi-disciplinary.” (S. Greener, 2008, p. 11)